We love monarch butterflies.
Our mission is to create and restore monarch butterfly habitats, educate about monarch ecology and migration, and share ways to increase the population of monarchs.
Duluth Monarch Buddies
Our non-profit organization was formed in 2015 by Tom Uecker, a retired educator.
We promote conserving, restoring, and increasing monarch habitats by means of native pollinator gardens, including milkweed for caterpillars, and nectar plants for adult butterflies.
There are currently 115 Monarch Waystations in the city of Duluth, Minnesota and more to come in 2024!
View the demonstration pollinator garden we created (funded jointly by Pheasants Forever and Duluth Monarch Buddies) on the Lakewalk near London Road and 26th Ave. East.
We host events and give presentations about monarch butterflies to schools, state parks, garden clubs, and other groups about monarch ecology, migration, and threats to their survival.
We raise monarchs indoors and outdoors to protect them from predators and provide education about safe and proper rearing procedures.
We share and celebrate the miracle of the monarch life cycle.
The monarch butterfly is one of the most iconic insects in North America. It is the Minnesota state butterfly.
Did you know
The monarch population has decreased by more than 90% since the late 1990s and it has become a symbol for a whole class of threatened pollinators.
Monarchs travel almost 3,000 miles between Canada and the oyamel fir forests in Mexico and are famous for this highly evolved migration pattern.
The five biggest threats to monarchs are loss of habitat in North America, climate change, pesticides/herbicides, natural predators, and agricultural practices.